Hatchie Coon Hunting And Fishing Club
Tulot, Arkansas
Doug Conner – Manager
(870) 243-1484
Listed below are the detailed directions to Hatchie Coon. Although you will note that the clubhouse is about 1.5 miles from the end of the pavement (and civilization as you know it), the road is usually in very good condition and passable by all forms of traffic (horses, camels, elephants, Explorers, Mercedes, etc.).
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GPS coordinates at beginning of Hatchie Coon Parkway are 35º 37′ 27″ N, 90º 28′ 11″ W
Starting from Memphis, drive on I-40 west across the Mississippi River. Take a slight right at I-55 north (signs say I-55 N/Blytheville/Jonesboro). Drive about 15 miles to exit #23 for US Hwy 63 north (sign says AR-77/US-63/Turrell/Marked Tree/Jonesboro). Drive about 23 miles to northwest on US-63 north, past Gilmore, Tyronza, Marked Tree and Payneway. Take exit #24 (sign says AR-463/Trumann). (If you miss the exit, turn around at the 2nd Trumann exit which has a new Wal-Mart SuperCenter Store.)
At the exit #24 stop sign, turn sharp left on AR-463 south and go approximately ¾ mile until you reach a small brown horizontal “Arkansas Game & Fish – Oak Donnick Access Area” sign; turn left onto the paved Tulot Road passing under the elevated US-63. Drive about 2 miles, cross the elevated railroad tracks, and continue another ¼ mile to the concrete bridge whereupon the road turns to gravel.
Cross concrete bridge onto gravel road and take an immediate left onto a dirt road that angles up to the top of the levee (this piece of road is about 300 yards long). Go across levee (east) to an automatic gate. You will need the code to open the gate. PLEASE CLOSE THE GATE BEHIND YOU.
Carefully across a smaller bridge and onto the private gravel Hatchie Coon Parkway for 1½ miles. Enjoy the scenic overlook from this raised road until you reach the fine-looking, bucolic Hatchie Coon Hunting & Fishing Clubhouse. This gravel road runs on top of the previous access to the Club – tram tracks for various vehicles fitted with train wheels, one of which was a Memphis Police paddy wagon. The tram tracks and turn-around shed can still be seen near the Clubhouse.
Welcome . . .
. . .to the oldest hunting club in the great State of Arkansas, on 850 private acres adjoining the 25,000 acre St. Francis River Sunken Lands Wildlife Management Area!